Corporate Consulting

Strategy is about what you are going to do now in order to shape the future to your advantage.
From conceptualization to strategizing to execution, our client-oriented corporate consulting services bring rich corpus of knowledge and expertise to help your organisation sustain and grow in a changing environment.
When our client-consultant relationship is functioning at its best, we will be providing you with the best outcomes of four functions below:
Information: The data and analyses that take your world, industry, and market position and make sense of it.
Expertise: Our unique perspective on your problem(s) and the different ways that it can be solved.
Insight: The rigorous, analytical application of expertise to come up with insights that will help you succeed.
Execution: The roadmap to choose and implement the actions to be taken.
Corporate strategy consists of CEOs and top executives making just three basic choices:
- What should be the capabilities that distinguish the company?
- What should be the company’s comparative advantage in adding value to its individual businesses?
- What businesses should the company be in?
These are fundamental choices that constitute a corporate strategy, and they should frame and guide all the decisions that a company’s corporate executives, functions and staff make every day, including how they run the place, what they buy, what markets they enter, how they measure success, and so on.
Range of Industries :
Oil and Gas
Online Retail
Internet Technology
Our client-oriented services include :
Every market has its own political, bureaucratic, economic, social, and technological dynamics. Quatro Strategies Team analyzes those dynamics and create the most sustainable market penetration strategy for your company or product.
Through our market analysis service we provide tailored information about industries, customers, competitors, and other market variables. We also support you in determining the relationship between supply and demand for a specific product or service. Based on these insights, you can make more informed decisions about possible marketing strategies.
We provide consultancy to corporate buyers and private equity investors throughout the entire M&A lifecycle. Our end-to-end M&A advisory services are customized to meet the unique needs of each of our clients.
Business and politics are usually intertwined and need each other to survive. New developments, such as international or bi-lateral sanctions in politics affect businesses and vice versa. In that regard, we make your company aware of political developments of regarding subjects of interest and enable you to review your business strategy.
In competitive industries, each firm formulates a strategy it believes it can exploit. In that sense we support you in building your strategy, which is a plan for achieving your vision, prioritizing objectives, competing successfully, and optimizing financial performance with your business model.
Before a crisis strikes, we make you think about how a disasterous situation would impact employees, customers, suppliers, the general public and your company’s value. A crisis can strike any company anytime, anywhere and advanced planning is the key to survival and corporate resilience.
The professional maintenance of a favourable public image of a company is as crutial as the quality of the goods or services it offers to its customers and the public image of a company is very much related to the principles, often unwritten, on which social laws are based in the country it operates. In that sense we provide professional services to your company in public relations and public policy support for a healthy growth in your area of operation.
We help companies train their c-suite executives and designated staff on decision making methods, strategy building and implementation, knowledge management, corporate innovation, government relations and crisis management in small groups or in conferences and workshops.
As part of our remote training and education program, we provide companies and organizations, including academic bodies and governmental organizations, access to QU4TRO Business Insights Platform to help executives and subject matter experts comprehend global dynamics on their respective fields.
For our corporate consulting services >>> Contact us